[2021-08-06 (best guess at least)]

I've got this feeling running down my back
I just keep going until I crack
I can't write for shit but I keep trying
Can you help me please doctor I'm pretty sure I'm dying

I wake up everyday with a head
that feels like it's been emptied with a trowel
what does a bitch need to do
to wake up and feel not like shit for once

I have to keep my adrenline underwraps
because if I don't my whole being unravels
chest tight, heart beating so fast that it stops
Just keep me going until I drop

this is poetry its a first draft
of something I'll never release because it's daft
my rhymes are increblicle just like the rest of me
so please can a doctor just fucking perscribe me

spend everyday imagaing what it would be like to work
like I don't want to do that but a dumb bitch needs to be paid
I'm forming something here right now that has no substance
I keep trying until they just doesn't

my ears ring so loud its a siren
calling my brain back into my skull
I can't keep doing this fucking dance and song
I can't keep rhyming when I can't hear the words
over the droning and echoing and tight check and
drips of sliava and blood down my back

there's nothing keeping me here, I'm here by choice
people think that I'm looking for sympathy when I'm just trying to relate

I'm not some broken bitch who just came out the closet
I'm a queen bitch who just doesn't have it
Stop with your explaining everyone one of my problems
I don't care if you are queer you don't know whats up with

Just ask the muslims[1], it doesn't matter if you are queer
keep the fuck out of BIPOC people's spaces
and maybe don't ignore their posts in the chat
to go make a quick to your dumb fuck white (clapback)?

Maybe just expand past the periphery where youve been eterally
just gay enough to care but not queer enough to act
we're all just broken shells of a never-proud people
we have no past and we just think that's the deal

I got off the escalator a long time ago
and I'll never go back because it's not the way home
I left that dumb bitch back in the PNW
with the rest of the racist bitches and your imagined sense of

I'm not the hero of this story, I'm the fucking killer
I'm the antagoist and the monster in the thriller
I'm the dread that creeps up your back
When you ignore our fates (I'll just keep writing this track?)

I'm the monster with the foot long pussy
you can still perform cunnalingus you'll just choke on my clit
sit the fuck down with your falsified real power
and be crushed under 200 pounds of this hot motherfucker

I choose
what I do

I choose what I do

I choose
what I



I chooooooooooose what

I do



[1][the band]